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PH Life

Welcome to Pascack Hills High School, one of the premier high schools in New Jersey. Our students, staff, and parents work together to create a school environment that ensures success for all.

Over 900 people come together in the Pascack Hills building each day. The administrative team prides itself on emphasizing an atmosphere defined by care and respect for students and staff as together we engage in our common pursuit of excellence.

The Pascack Valley Regional High School district has been a 1:1 e-learning district for eight years now. The 1:1 laptop initiative has placed a laptop in the hands of every student and staff member, bringing to the classroom and home the vast resources of the Internet, new and exciting software programs, online textbooks, and increased opportunities for communication and collaboration. Our faculty and students continue to revolutionize teaching and learning in ways unforeseen and unimagined.

Our website address is . On this site you can check the school calendar, access teachers' informational pages, read the daily announcements, check the links to the Guidance and Athletic pages, and much, much more. We planned this site to be an essential communication link within the entire school community and hope you find it helpful.

Everyone is important to us, and we are happy to include you in the Pascack Hills High School family.