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Nurse's Office


The Health Services Program here at Pascack Hills High School is part of the broader Pascack Valley Regional High School District.  The Nurse's Office is designed to promote health and wellness within the community of students/families, staff, and administration.  It is believed that the quality and the quantity of student learning is in direct proportion to the student's individual health needs and to his/her ability to adapt effectively to a multiplicity of conditions and situations. The Nurse's Office is designed to maximize the student's greatest health potential, providing the necessary services in the areas of emergency care, first aid, treatment of illnesses, referrals, and assistance in the self-management and treatment of chronic illnesses.  The Nurse's Office also relies on current and accurate health related education and information. Services also promote and support healthy life skills, prevention; as well as referral and treatment options.

Ultimately, by advocating, this goal will empower students and their families to promote and direct our population in becoming increasingly responsible for their own health.  Health support will be provided in making informed decisions regarding their physical, emotional, psychological, sexual and social health.  The Certified School Nurse will also maintain position as liaison with other staff in the health services professions, the teaching staff, the building and coaching staff (for safety and environmental concerns), and with the High School Administration within the Regional District.